The Moura's Cave. Chapter I The Moura's Cave.
suddenly woke up soaked in sweat, it is not strange considering that summer becomes suffocating in
the city. The asphalt retains the heat during the day and releases it at night making the night temperature quite
like the daytime temperature. However, this morning the
sweat is not due to the heat, but to a dream, more precisely a nightmare, which has been repeating itself over and over for the last month. Yellow eyes,
that’s all I can remember from the dream, yellow eyes that terrify me.
I stand up and look around. My bags are ready next to the
door and my clothes are on the desk chair. Today is my birthday, I turn seventeen and,
my beloved mother, has decided that I
must spend the whole summer at Grandma Emma’s house, so that she can have ours
to be with her new boyfriend Pablo.
I don’t like him very much, he’s much younger
than her, he looks at me too much and I am not comfortable with that.
haven’t been to Grandma’s house in three years, even though I’ve seen her every
Christmas. I haven’t been able to go back to her house since... since Grandpa
died. Grandpa, I miss him a lot. He was my best friend and we used to share hobbies,
including books. When he died, Grandma sent me a box with some of them. I have
them here, on
the shelf above my bed. I’ve
read and reread them a million times over these years. Grandma also sent me a
small notebook full of his
annotations but I haven’t been able to read it yet. Every time I try, I see his
handwriting on the cover and I crumble. I burst into tears, end up closing it
and leaving it in its place: my backpack. Since I always carry it with me, even
though I am not able to read it. I know there is a piece of my grandpa in it and I am comforted feeling him next to me.
Well, it’s time to get up, the
train is leaving in a
couple of hours.
After a shower which is more than comforting, I
get dressed. Then I pick up my bags and take a last look at my room, my
hear the voices and laughs of my mother and Pablo, they remain silent when they
notice that I’m getting closer. Then when I enter in the kitchen, a chocolate
muffin appears in front of my face with a candle lit on top.
― Happy birthday, honey –. My
mother doesn’t stop smiling.
―Thank you, mum –. She gives me a
kiss on my cheek.
—Come on, what are you waiting
for? Blow out the candle. – She places the muffin in front of my face, again –.
But, remember to make your wish.
A wish? What am I supposed to ask for? Hum…I know. I hope this summer is not as bad as it seems. I blow,
the candle goes
out and my mother nods
this is from both of us. Happy birthday, Eva –. Pablo brings me a huge box,
while he gives me a kiss on the cheek. My mum couldn’t smile more, and I do it
too, even though I feel uncomfortable.
—Oh...thanks a lot, let’s see… -
I tear the paper, the truth is that I’m excited, the package is very big and
mum usually doesn’t give me
presents. – Ah...a bathrobe, some towels and some sheets, how…how useful…Thank
you both –. I give each one a little hug and I scold myself for hoping that
they would give me something I like for once.
We'll leave everything in your room, by the time you come back, do you have
everything already?
― Yes, mum. The taxi should be
here any minute.
― Sure, sorry again for not being
able to take you - she looks at her watch - in fact, we should go right
now, they’re waiting for us...
― It’s okay, go. – I’ll manage on my own, as usual. I
smile. – Have a good time.
― See you back, sweetie. – Sweetie? Who are you? Both give me a kiss, quick and
fleeting the door closes. Bye mum.
I take out my smartphone, there are still 15 minutes until the taxi arrives or that’s what the girl from the customer service
told me. Luckily, I have been foresighted and I will arrive to the station with
plenty of spare time. I
decide to call Marta, my best and only friend, I feel like listening her voice.
Her phone is off, it’s true, she must be on the plane to Paris. I could had
been on that plane right now but, my mother couldn’t stand the idea of me
having a better summer than her.
I’ll send her a message through an app, telling her about the cool
presents that my mom and Pablo gave me. From this day on, my smartphone will be the only thing I will
have to be in touch with the outside world. I make a mental list of what I
should have packed in my suitcase, I have everything. I look at myself in the mirror
of the hall, with the heat, my hair is already dry, I decide to do some braids in it so when I arrive to
grandma's house, I'll have it perfect, neither sweaty nor tangled. I wear a
black and white striped strapless dress with my Converse, also black. I decide to retouch up the eyeliner, I
started using it this year, and I like the gothic
look that gives me.
My taxi has arrived, I go down in
the elevator and the driver is
waiting for me outside to put my bags
in. As it’s early and Saturday, we don’t find much traffic and in half an hour,
I’m already at the station, ticket in hand, looking for the train.
I have a window seat, so I won't
get dizzy. Luckily, they’ve invented these fast trains, that take you to the
north of the country in just a couple of hours, I don’t want to imagine what it
was like in my mother’s or my grandparents’ time. I take out my smartphone and put on my headphones, since the movies they are playing
are very old. I look out through the window, and with the movement and Rita Ora singing How we do, I fall asleep.
I open my eyes and, to my
surprise, they announce my stop in ten minutes. I have already arrived in Galicia, in the blink of an eye, never
better said.
I go out to the street, I don’t
see my grandmother’s Citroën Saxo
anywhere, has she forgotten
about me? Impossible, I’m her favourite granddaughter, her only
granddaughter. A SUV
approaches, beeping and flashing the
lights. I wouldn’t like to be the poor asshole they’re looking for. It
parks in front of me and... I can’t believe it! What a guy: blond, tall, brown
eyes... In addition, for some strange reason, he comes up to me, my heart beats
at full speed, he looks familiar... What if he talks to me? I don’t think I’ll
be able to articulate a word. No, Eva,
you must grow up, don’t
let him see that you like him. Calm down, breath deep, okay, I got it.
― Hi, Eva – says the hot guy, he
knows my name -. Don’t you remember me?
– He sounds a little disappointed.
― Uh...hi. No, sorry, I think
we’ve met before but... I can’t seem to place you, I’m sorry.
― It’s okay, it’s normal, it’s
been about... six years since we last saw each other. I’m Brais. The grandson
― Antonio. Yes, I remember you,
you’re… - you’re hot, imponent,
tremendous… Don’t be vulgar–. Different, older, I guess.
― Yes, you’re... older too – he looks at me from top to
bottom, I must be red-faced -. Well, we can leave whenever you want, we still
have a half an hour’s drive to the village.
― All right, let’s go then - he
loads my bags in the luggage compartment, I take advantage and take off my
braids quickly, my hair blowing in the wind, he looks at me and smiles.
― That’s it, we’re leaving. –. We
got into the car and leave the town through the highway.
― Hey… why hasn’t my grandmother
come? – He looks at me glance–. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind that you came,
it’s just... I was hoping she would - I sound disappointed and in a way it’s like that.
― Actually, I offered to come and
pick you up. Your grandmother is a little older now and she shouldn’t be
driving long distances. She usually, only uses the car to go to the grocery
store in the next village. Cheer up, in that way, she has prepared the food and
not my grandfather. Believe me, you’ll thank it –. He laughs and I join him.
― What about you? Do you live
here now? Did you come here on holiday too? – Suddenly he stops laughing. Oops,
I’m afraid there’s going to be an awkward answer now.
― Yeah, well, I’ve been living
with my Grandpa for two years, my parents…died and, he’s the only family I have
left now –. Damn it, Eva, you’re an
― I’m... I’m so sorry, I had no
idea, I haven’t talked much to Grandma in the last three years, I…
― Calm down, don’t worry, I’m
fine, Grandpa is great. Well, and
your grandmother too, they’ve spoiled me a lot through these years.
― I’m glad, Grandma has someone
else to be with.
― Oh…by the way… Happy Birthday!
– He looks into my eyes for a few seconds.
― Thank you.
― How old are you? Sixteen?
― No, I’m seventeen - he laughs,
I think he’s pulling my leg.
― It's true, I get two years off
you, you're a youngster. -. Youngster? Old people say that, does he think I’m a child or what?
― Oh, yeah, sorry, you’re
maturity personified, I hadn’t noticed when you entered in the station parking
beeping and flashing the
car lights. – Yes sir, there you go, pure
and simple sarcasm. He looks at me perplexed and laughs.
― Touché…. Sarcasm, huh? I like it, we’ll get along –. He winks at
It’s been a very short ride, Brais
is fun and handsome. Nice and handsome. Smart and handsome. Oh my god, he's so
handsome! I touch my mouth sneakily; I’ve been so excited that I’m even
drooling. Luckily, he hasn’t seen me, thank goodness.
We enter the village and I realise that nothing has
changed. Neither the trees, nor the
mountain, nor the little stone cottages. We climb the hillside towards
grandmother’s house and I hold my breath. After the next bend I see it and for
a moment I thought that I’ve seen my grandfather at the door greeting me with
his hand. But he’s not there, tears come to my eyes, I gulp. Don’t cry now,
don’t cry now. Brais squeezes my hand.
― Are you okay? – He looks at me
worried, I nod but a tear slips and falls rolling down my cheek. The car has
stopped, Brais catches the tear at the corner of my mouth, I look at him and he
looks me with gentleness –. It’s hard, I
know, but it will be better the sooner you face it, you‘ll see.
― Yeah, sorry, what a show, I
don’t want her to see me this way – I point out to the house, the door has
opened, Grandma and Antonio greet us smiling.
We get out of the car, Grandma
comes to us and gives me a strong hug, she smells like lavender, she smells
like Grandma. So, I close my eyes and I give her a strong hug
too. We separated a bit; she looks me in the eyes and covers my face with
― Hello, my child, I’ve missed
you so much.…
― Hi, Grandma, I’ve missed you
too, but… I’m here now.
― Come on, Emma, release Eva
already, you have all summer to cuddle her. I also want to say hello to this
little woman –. Antonio holds my hand -. Hi, lovely, glad to see you again.
― Hello, Antonio, how are you?
― Good. Well, with the ailments
of age, but luckily, I have Brais now with me to help me - he nods to his
grandson, who has taken my bags and is putting them inside the house-. Did you remember him?
― I didn’t really recognize him
at first; I suppose time changes us all…
― Yes…time changes everything and
― Well, you’re starving for sure,
so let’s eat –. Grandma guides me inside the house, it smells very good.
Brais comes down the hall, he's
left my stuff in my room. Grandma has cooked her famous casserole chicken, which is my favourite. It’s delicious.
Then, I prepare a coffee pot while she takes
out from the pantry a fresh cheesecake
with jam with burning candles on it: a one and a seven. She starts singing the
Happy Birthday song, Brais and Antonio join her. I make my second wish of the
day: I wish to have a fantastic summer.
Then, I blow the candles. Everyone smiles at me. Afterwards, I help Grandma to
wash the dishes, although, she doesn’t let me help her too much and finally,
she makes me sit at the table. To my surprise, Brais gives me a present.
― Wow, thank you so much, you
didn’t have to – I smile at him, he rolls his eyes.
― It’s not a big deal, in fact
it’s a guff but open it and you’ll see.
I remove the tape slowly; I don’t
want to tear the starry paper that wraps my present. Inside, there is a small
carved wooden box. It seems to be handmade; it is very beautiful and it has my
name engraved with the relief of a waning moon and some stars.
― Did you do that? – Brais nods
his head with a triumphant smile seeing that I liked it –. It’s beautiful – I give him a couple of kisses so
effusively that make us equally blush.
― I have a present for you too –.
Antonio puts a package much smaller than Brais’ on the table –. I hope you like
― Thank you, Antonio –. It takes
me very short time to open the package –. An old key, great.
― Do you really like it? It’s
just that I remembered that you used to collect them. I found this one to be very pretty and I thought
of you.
― I really love it, and it’s a
detail that you remember my personal
tastes. I still collect them – I go around the table and give him a hug.
― Well, if you’re done…Brais, why
don't you go for a walk with Eva? You could show her your horses?
― Horses?! – I ask excitedly.
― Yes, horses, do you know how to
― Of course.
― Then, we will take a horse
― All right, Brais. But be
careful, huh?
― Don’t worry, Emma, you know I’m
always careful – he turns and looks at me -. So let’s go, Eva?
― I think I should put on
something more comfortable, don’t you? –
Brais looks at me up and down, raises an eyebrow.
― For me, you look fine. Although, you may show more
than you intend when riding on the horse – he tells me in a low voice,
approaching so that Grandma doesn't hear him. Oh my god, I think my jaw has just fallen…
― Eva, your suitcase is in the
back bedroom or rather in yours – Grandma makes me come back to reality.
― I'll wait for you outside –.
Brais says winking at me.
run like a crazy to my room, what do I wear? What do I wear? I pick up some
jeans, with a lot of lycra, so they are slim.
And a red top for the upper part, it
is also made of lycra so looks like it was painted over my skin. I can’t wait
to see how Brais reacts when I come out, but why do I care about this? I won’t spend
more time thinking about it and I will go out. Grandma is waiting for me.
― Did you take a jacket?
No but, its hot outside, grandma, I won’t need it.
I don’t think so. As soon as the sun goes down it will be cold, and even more
in the forest.
Okay, I’ll go for a sweatshirt – So, I run for the second time to my room where
I choose my blue sweatshirt which I tie around my hips and go out again.
Grandma isn’t waiting for me; she has sat with Antonio at the garden table
under the sunshade. Brais is with them, but when he hears me coming, he turns,
looks at me and nods to himself. I’ve blushed. We say goodbye to Grandma and
Antonio and walk towards his house. It is close, so it takes us less than ten
minutes. The horse stables are at the back of the house. I look around and nothing has
changed in this place. Except
for the motorbike parked next to the haystack. I get closer and I see that it’s
black but on the sides it has some orange flames painted on it, it’s very cool.
― Do you like it? – Brais says
behind me –. The next ride will be on it. If you want to, of course.
― Yeah, that would be great but…
― Don’t worry, we won’t tell your
grandmother or my grandfather.
― You’ve read my mind.
― Although, we will have to go through
some secluded place, because here people like to gossip and if they see us,
they will tell our
grandparents and we couldn’t have fun any longer –. We smile to each other.
I start thinking about it, both
of us alone on his motorbike, with no one around and no one knowing what we are
doing. But then Brais
starts talking to me and make me stop dreaming.
― Are you still there?
― Yeah, I’m sorry.
― Were you imagining our next
walk? - What?! How the hell does he know?
― No, no, it’s just that I
remembered a friend of mine who has a motorbike too –. Well disguised, yes sir, I feel proud.
― Yes, a friend… wouldn’t it be your boyfriend?
― I have not boyfriend.
― Ah... - He stares at me and
smiles mockingly.
― And you? Do you have a
girlfriend? – An eye for an eye.
― I used to, but no any longer –
I hold in a sigh of relief when I hear it.
― Oh, I’m sorry –. I’m not sorry at all.
― I’m not sorry, I was tired of
her, there aren’t many girls here…It was Ruth, do you remember her?
― Ruth? Oh yes, the daughter of
Juan, the baker, isn’t she?
―Yes. I dated her because she
kept insisting, but we only shared a few kisses and we weren’t
together even a month luckily –. Yes,
― And you don’t have a boyfriend now,
but you must have had it -. What do I do?
Do I lie or do I tell the truth? What would Marta do? Lie.
― Of course, a few – great, now he’ll think you’re a slut, I give
myself a mental slap –. Actually, just two. – It’s better to tell a small lie –. So… When do you take me for a
ride on your motorbike?
― Tomorrow, but we must come up with something.
Come on, I’ll show you your horse.
― OK.
in the stables Brais brings my horse first, well, my mare. Furia, which is
beautiful, jet black with brown manes. I put her the blanket and the chair, while
Brais does the same with Trueno, which is dark brown horse, with a white spot
on the chest. Then he checks that the straps on my chair are securely attached
and he helps me up.
go into the forest along a path that goes up to the old Celtic settlement; you
can only hear the birds singing and the horses’ hooves. When we arrive at the
old Celtic settlement, Brais holds me by
my waist and brings me down of Furia quickly. Wow, he’s really strong. He
leaves his hands on my waist for a few more seconds and looks at me; I hesitate
but smile at him. We tie the horses to a pine tree branch and, we walk over the
walls of the settlement that used to be houses. In the upper part there is a
clear from where all the cottages and all the forest are seen. I keep watching
the landscape until it suddenly changes.
Everything has gone dark, a torch
has appeared in my hand and I am in a narrow and damp corridor. I walk slowly, feeling the wall with
my free hand, it’s wet and at the end of the corridor I see some stone stairs
coming down. So I go down them and a new corridor appears before me which it’s
narrower and wetter. At the end of the corridor there is a shining door, it
seems made of copper or something like that, in it there are some symbols
engraved and the drawing of two snakes. It has no knob, so I push it and the
door opens a little bit. I push it again, harder this time, the door opens and
what is inside looks like an endless room. I see mountains and mountains of gold;
the shine is blinding. I take a step, I want to touch that wealth, but although
I try, I cannot move forward. The gold has disappeared from my sight and the
torch of my hand, in front of my eyes there is the forest again and at
my feet… the edge of the cliff! Frightened, I go back and start listening in my
ear, Brais’s breathy voice that holds me.
― Eva… God, Eva… What are you
doing? – He looks very scared. -. Do you want to kill yourself?
― No… I’m sorry…I… - I turn
around and look at him, he doubts if he should let me go –. Brais, something
very rare has happened to me… - His face changes, he smiles.
— What have you seen?
— How do you know…?
— Your grandmother felt that you
had inherited that gift from your
— Gift? Which gift? What
are you talking about?
— Come on, let’s sit, further down, away from this cliff –
he takes me by the hand and we sit in the middle of one of the cottages we’ve
been through before –. Tell me, do you remember any stories about this Celtic settlement? Anything your
grandfather would have told you?
— Yes, well… The legend of the
Moura’s Cave…The one everyone tells…
— Everyone tells it but no one as
your grandfather told it. Think back and tell me about it – I look at him
surprised, he nods and I…try to remember.
— I think…I already have it…
— Well then, start.
— Once upon a time, in an old Celtic settlement, a young [1]Moura
coming from the East, had been sent by her people with a mission, to guard the
Golden Cave. She could not leave until her people arrived, so, she learned to
live in peace with the Celts. Every morning, she sat in front of the mine and, with
a golden comb, combed her long golden hair. She wore a headband adorned with
two snakes on her forehead. One day, from the top of the settlement, she saw an
enemy tribe approaching; the Celts began to flee leaving their homes and
possessions behind. She also had to leave if she wanted to live, however, the
promise she made to her people, did not allow her to leave the Cave
unprotected, so she had no choice but to enchant it.
She went into the forest and never
returned but neither could no one enter the cave again, even less, steal the
gold –. Brais aims at me in amazement.
— You tell it very well.
— Thank you but I still don’t understand… What does the legend
have to do with what happened to me?
— Well…everything. Tell me, what
have you seen?
— I was in a dark, damp corridor.
I went down a few stairs to another corridor and at the end, there was a door,
I opened it…
— Wait, could you see the door
well? Did it have any engravings?
— Yes, it had some symbols and
two snakes.
— Snakes, of course, do you think
you’d be able to draw the symbols?
— No, sorry, I didn’t look that
— Well, don’t worry, you will,
next time… Now, continue, what was behind the door?
— What do you mean, next time?
— Yes, if you’re like your
grandfather and it seems to me that way, you’ll see it more times – I try to
protest but he raises a finger and puts it on my lips –. I’ll tell you
everything but let’s take it gradually, what was behind the door?
— Well, there was gold, mountains
of gold.
— I knew it – says Brais
triumphantly –. You’re great, Eva.
—Great? Why?
— Because you have entered the
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